Revolutionizing Legal Advertising with Authentic Storytelling

In a saturated market where law firms often rely on conventional approaches to advertise big truck cases, Craft Creative partnered with Dunnion Law to break the mold. Instead of the typical lawyer-on-a-truck ad, we aimed to create a compelling and innovative commercial that not only highlighted Dunnion Law's expertise but also resonated with viewers on a deeper level.


Dunnion Law, like many firms, had previously produced commercials featuring lawyers standing atop trucks, talking about their capabilities in handling big truck cases. These ads, while informative, lacked a unique angle and failed to differentiate them from competitors. Our challenge was to create a commercial that stood out in a crowded market, showcasing a real case in a way that felt authentic and engaging.

The Solution

During the ideation phase, we thought of a unique approach: instead of placing the attorney on top of the truck, why not put them inside? We took it a step further by having a real case play out while the attorney delivered their message from the passenger seat. This storytelling approach allowed the audience to witness the reckless behavior of a truck driver firsthand, adding a layer of authenticity and urgency to the commercial.

To bring this vision to life, we filmed in a virtual production studio. This decision not only allowed us to safely and efficiently capture the scene but also enabled us to recreate the California setting where the actual incident occurred. Dunnion Law's team flew from California to a studio in Greenville, South Carolina, where we meticulously planned and executed the shoot. We coordinated everything from hiring a truck driver actor to securing a suitable truck and curating the backplate footage that matched the original location.

DL Truckers True Story
DL Truckers True Story 2
DL Truckers True Story 3
DL Truckers True Story 4


The use of virtual production allowed us to complete the shoot in under four hours—a significant time and cost-saving measure compared to on-location filming. The final product was an impactful and dynamic commercial that departed from the norm, effectively showcasing Dunnion Law's dedication to their clients and their unique approach to big truck cases.

The response from Dunnion Law was overwhelmingly positive. They praised the commercial as the best they've ever received in their 40-year history, a testament to the power of thinking outside the box and leveraging modern technology. This case study underscores our belief that creativity and innovation are key to making a lasting impact and driving success for our partners.

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Behind the scenes

Sequence 05.00_13_56_01
Sequence 05.00_10_25_12
Sequence 05.00_14_08_22
Sequence 05.00_14_43_12
Sequence 05.00_06_05_12
Sequence 05.00_14_26_14

Our film crew have experience working with top companies and brands like Instagram, Hallmark, and the ABC Network. Enhance the power of your business by using a top video production company to customize your videos and enable lead conversion without hassle